Martin's Featured in Nashville Lifestyles
We have to admit, we were pretty dadgum floored that Nashville Lifestyles called us up, saying they wanted to feature us in their October edition, headlined, "25 Most Beautiful People." Pat Martin knew that Nashvillians loved his smoked whole hogs and his made-from-scratch sides, but he had no idea Nashville thought he was so, well...beautiful.
You could imagine our shock when Nashville Lifestyles explained.
It would be a lig ol' lie to say we weren't heartbroken when NL told us they didn't want to feature Pat Martin's physical beauty, but instead wanted to spotlight the beauty of his new Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint in downtown Nashville. But it would be a massive fib if we didn't say it made a lot more sense!
With a four-page spread detailing the ins and outs of our newest Martin's smack dab in the middle of downtown Nashville, Nashville Lifestyles sure made it look and sound just as beautiful as we believe it is!
Want to read the whole article and get a glimpse of how beautiful the new Martin's -- and Pat Martin himself -- truly is (are)?
Click here to see the full story.